Friday, 26 July 2013

Hit and Run Case- सलमान पर लगा गैर इरादतन हत्या का आरोप

सलमान खान के केस हिट एंड रन की सुनवाई आज सुबह टाल दी गयी थी लेकिन वकीलों की जिरह पर सलमान खान पर चार्जेस आज ही तय कर दिये गये हैं। सलमान खान पर गैर इरादतन हत्या का आरोप लगाया गया हैा अब अगर सलमान खान पर ये आरोप तय होते हैं तो उन्हें कमसे कम तीन साल या ज्यादा सेज्यादा 10 साल की सजा हो सकती है। सुबह येखबर मिली की इस बार सुनवाई टलने की वजह है कि जज का ट्रासफर हो गया है इस बात से हर कोई हैरान था। फिल्हाल सलमान खान को कितने सालकी सजा मिलेगी ये किसी को नहीं पता है। बतायाजाज रहा है कि अगलीसुनवाई 16 अगस्त को हो सकती है।

दूसरी तरफ सलमान खान को जज ने अगली सुनवाई पर कोर्ट ना आने की इजाजत भी दे दी है क्योंकि उन्हें अपनी फिल्म किक की शूटिगं के लिए लंदन जाना है। कोर्ट ने सलमान खान को इजाजत दे दी है कि वो अब जैकलीन के साथ अपनी फिल्म किक की शूटगिं के लिए आराम से जा सकते हैं। और अगली सुनवाई उनके वकील देख लेंगे। लेकिन इस बात से सभी हैरान हैं कि आखिर आखिरी वक्त पर ऐसे कैसे सुनवाई को टाला जा सकता है और साथ ही जज का ट्रांसफर होने की बात भी किसी को हजम नहीं हुई।हर किसी को लग रहा है कि कहींना कहीं जज के ट्रांसपर के पीछे सलमान खान का

हाथ भी हो सकता है। क्योंकि ऐसा तो हो नहीं सकता कि सलमान खान के केस के जज का ट्रांसफर हो गया हो और खुद सलमान खान को पता ना हो। हो सकता है कि मीडिया को बेवकूफ बनाने के लिए ये सब कुछ किया जा रहा था।

शाहरुख ने कहा इस विषय (सलमान) पर मैं कभी नहीं बोलूंगा!

शाहरुख खान और सलमान खान के फैन्स इस बात से शायद थोड़ा सा निराश हों लेकिन सच तो यही है कि शाहरुख खान यानी कि बॉलीवुड के किंग खान का कहना है कि सलमान खान के ईशू पर वो ना तो आज तक बोले हैं और ना ही आगे कभी भी बोलेगे। शाहरुख खान ने साथ ही ये भी कहा कि ये ऐसा मैटर नहीं है जिसपर हम कुछ डिस्कशन करें।

शाहरुख खान की इस बात को सुनने के बाद भी मीडिया ने बहुत कोशिश की कि वो लोग शाहरुख के मुंह से कुछ तो सुन सकें सलमान खान के बारे में लेकिन शाहरुख खान ने तो सलमान खान का नाम तक नहीं लिया। और बिना नाम लिये सिर्फ इतना ही कहा कि कुछ भी नहीं है।कल यानी 24 जुलाई को शाहरुख खान की फिल्म चेन्नई एक्सप्रेस का गेम लॉंच था और इस इवेंट के दौरान ही सभी मीडिया वालों ने शाहरुख खान को सलमान खान के साथ हुए इफ्तार पार्टी के इवेंट को लेकर सवाल पूछने शुरु कर दिये। चूंकि शाहरुख खान को पहले से पता था कि मीडिया इस बात को खींचने की कोशिश करेगी इसलिए उन्होंने सलमान खान को लेकर पूछे गये हर एक सवाल का जवाब बहुत ही सफाई सेदियाऔर खुद कोइस मामले बिल्कुल ही अलग कर लिया।

यहां तक कि बीच में एक बार तो शाहरुख खान थोड़ा सा चिढ़ भी गये और उन्होंने कहा कि आप लोगों को जो मतलब निकालना है वो तो आप निकालेंगे ही लेकिन ऐसा कुछ भी नहीं है और मैं पब्लिकली इस बात पर कोई डिसकशन नहीं करुंगा।शाहरुख खान ने अपने चेन्नई एक्सप्रेस के इवेंट के दौरान अपने फैन्स के साथ मिलकर डांस भी किया और चेन्नई एक्सप्रेस केगाने पर ठुमके भी लगाए। कुल मिलाकर शाहरुख खान का ये इवेंट काफी शानदार रहा और पूरी मीडिया इस इवेंट के दौरान काफी खुश नज़र आई। शाहरुख खान ने रोहित शेट्टी के साथ मिलकर चेन्नई एक्सप्रेस का गेम भी खेला।

आखिर सलमान मसले पर शाहरूख चुप क्यों?

विवादों के मसीहा शाहरूख खान जब भी मुंह खोलते हैं एक नया बवाल सामने आकर खड़ा हो जाता है। इसलिए शायद अपनी गलतियों पर सफाई देते-देते उन्हें समझ में आ गया है कि सौ मर्ज की केवल एक ही दवा है और वह है चुप रहना।इसलिए सलमान औऱ अपने रिश्ते पर उन्होंने ना बोलने की कसम खा ली है। बुधवार को अपनी फिल्म चेन्नई एक्सप्रेस का प्रमोशन करने पहुंचे किंग खान ने मीडिया की ओर से पूछे जा रहे सलमान के सवाल पर कह बैठे कि मैं इस मसले पर कुछ नहीं बोलना चाहता हूं।

मैं पब्लिक प्लेस पर निजी बातें डिस्कस नहीं करता। जब मीडिया ने पूछा कि सलमान से गले मिलने के बाद आपने ट्विटर पर लिखा था कि पुरानी बातों को छोड़कर आगे बढ़ना चाहिए तो इस पर किंग खान थोड़ा सा नाराज से हो गये उन्होंने कहा कि ट्विटर मेरा, मेरे बाप का जो चाहूं लिखूं। मैं यहां अपने काम के सिलसिले में आया हूं इसलिए उससे संबंधित जो पूछना है पूछिये।

अच्छा तो सलमान चाहते हैं शाहरूख से दोस्ती!

गौरतलब है कि शाहरूख की चेन्नई एक्सप्रेस ईद पर रिलीज हो रही हैं। फिल्म के निर्माता किंग खान तो निर्देशक रोहित शेट्टी है। फिल्म में हिरोईन दीपिका पादुकोण हैं। बताते चले कि रविवार को कांग्रेसी नेता बाबा सिद्दिकी की रोजा इफ्तार की पार्टी में शाहरूख और सलमान खान गले मिले थे जिसके बाद कयास लगाये जा रहे थे कि दोनों के बीच के गले-शिकवे दूर हो गये हैं और दोनों फिर से दोस्त बन गये हैं।खैर किंग खान ने चुप रहकर फिर से कई सवालों को जन्म दे दिया है लेकिन सोचने वाली बात यह है कि आज किंग खान कह रहे हैं कि वो पब्लिक प्लेस पर पर्सनल बात नहीं करते तो उस समय क्या हुआ था जब पब्लिक प्लेस पर वह और सलमान खान आपस में झगड़ लिये थे। मौका था कैटरीना कैफ की बर्थडे पार्टी का, जो कि एक होटल में आयोजित थी जहां किंग खान और सलमान मियां एक-दूसरे का कॉलर पकड़ कर गाली-गलौज करते पाये गये थे।

शाहरुख ने कहा मैं क्यों बांटू सलमान के नाम की बिरयानी!

शाहरुख खान और सलमान खान की दोस्ती और उनके गले लगने की बात को लेकरमीडिया ने बवाल मचा दिया है। हर कोई शाहरुख खान या सलमान खान को देखते है उनके पीछे इस एक सवाल को लेकर भागता नज़र आता है। शाहरुख खान ने हाल ही में अपनी फिल्म चेन्नई एक्सप्रेस के गेम लॉंच के दौरान सलमान खान के बारे में पूछे जाने पर कुछ भी बोलने से साफ मना कर दिया। शाहरुख खान ने कहा कि वो ना तो पहले कभी इस विषय पर बोले हैं और ना ही बोलेंगे।

शाहरुख खान ने इसके बाद भी पूछे गये सवालों के जवाब नहीं दिये। फिर कल रात इसक फिल्म के प्रीमियर के दौरान शाहरुख खान से एक बार फिर से मीडिया ने यही सवाल पूछा।शाहरुख खान ने इस बार सलमान खान पर सवाल पूछे जाने पर कहा कि ये उनका निजी मामला है और इसपर वो पब्लिक में नहीं बोलेंगे। शाहरुख खान ने आगे कहा कि मैं मीडिया वालों को बिरयानी क्यों बाटूं बताके। शाहरुख खान ने आखिरकार अपने फैन्सके साथ मीडिया को भी काफी निराश कर दिया है क्योंकि वो इस मामले में कुछ भी बोलने से बच रहे हैं और साथ ही वो नहीं चाह रहे हैं कि उनका नाम सलमान खान से जोड़ा जाए और सुर्खियां दी जाएं।

सलमान खान तो मीडिया से काफी दूरी बनाए हुए हैं लेकिन वहीं शाहरुख खान को अपनी फिल्म चेन्नई एक्सप्रेस के प्रमोशन के चक्कर में मीडिया से मिलना ही पड़ रहा है।फिल्हाल तो शाहरुख खान ने अपनी तरफ से ये बात क्लीयर कर दी है कि वो सलमान खान के मामले में कुछ भी नहीं कहेंगे लेकिन आगे देखिये हो सकता है कि सलमान खान कुछ ऐसा कह दें कि मीडिया को कुछ मसाला मिल जाए और सलमान शाहरुख के फैन्स को भी कुछ मजा आए।

Salman Khan`s `Kick` kick-starts in Glasgow July 27

Mumbai: Film producer Sajid Nadiadwala has refuted rumours that his Salman Khan-starrer directorial ‘Kick’ is delayed because of the star`s hit-and-run case hearing. He says the movie is on schedule.

"We were always supposed to start on July 27, and we`re starting on the 27th," said Nadiadwala, who is turning director with this high-voltage action movie.

The first schedule of the movie begins in Glasgow, and not in London. Glasgow is the chosen location for its rugged outdoors.

"Sajid wanted the locations to be completely unexposed. He intends to film some unique action sequences in Glasgow. Lately Salman has avoided doing heavy-duty stunts because of his neurological condition. But this time, Salman would be performing all the stunts himself. Sajid has taken all precautions to ensure Salman`s safety," said a source.

Shah Rukh Khan mum on Salman Khan hug

Mumbai: Shah Rukh Khan Wednesday chose not to comment on the much hyped hug with Salman Khan at a recent `iftaar` party.

The hug between the two superstars led everyone to believe that the two warring Khans have become friends again but SRK ducked questions on the issue triggering media persons to pose more queries following which he went into the "no comment" mode.

"Whether its my relationship, friendship or any other personal aspect I have never dignified it by talking about it in public. I like to keep it like this. With due respect people have already analysed the whole situation. So much has been said and written about it. I don`t want to give any explanation or talk about it," Shah Rukh told reporters here at an event.

The two actors turned foes after a spat at Katrina Kaif`s birthday party in 2008. Since then both have always avoided each other in public.

When asked to comment on charges being framed against actor Salman Khan today for culpable homicide not amounting to murder in the 2002 hit-and-run case, Shahrukh said, "I don`t know about this so I can`t comment on it."

It was Salman who patted SRK on his shoulder and later hugged his ‘Karan-Arjun’ co-star at an `Iftaar` party.

Anil hopes Salman does not have to serve jail term

Mumbai: Bollywood actor Anil Kapoor Wednesday hoped his superstar-friend Salman Khan, charged with

If convicted of culpable homicide, the 47-year-old star faces up to 10 years in jail.

"It is a court matter so it is not fair to speculate on things. But I hope nothing like (10 years in jail) happens. My heart says nothing will happen," Kapoor said at an event here when asked to give his reaction on the charges framed against Salman by a local court earlier in the day.

Kapoor and Salman have shared screen space in films like `Deewana Mastana`, `Biwi No.1`, `No Entry`, `Salam-E-Ishq`, `Yuvraj` and `Wanted`.
culpable homicide not amounting to murder in the 2002 hit-and-run case, does not have to serve long years in jail.

Salman Khan-Shah Rukh Khan hug just a greeting, says Sohail

New Delhi: A lot have been said about Bollywood’s arch rivals Salman Khan and Shah Rukh Khan’s ‘hug’. But the question is - are things really back to normal between the two? Many have assumed Shah Rukh Khan’s tweet about ‘turning the page’, as a hint to the end of their five year long hostility. But Salman’s brother Sohail Khan’s statement on the much publicised hug- has cleared such rumours.

According to a daily, sources close to Salman Khan, have asserted that the feud between the two superstars is not yet over.

"Bhai has said many times in the past that he would never again be friends with Shah Rukh Khan. Their differences are irreconcilable. And that`s how it remains. The hug at the Iftaar party just happened because of circumstances. Neither Bhai nor Shah Rukh could say no to their host when he led Salman Khan to Shah Rukh Khan. They`ve the highest regard for him. And that`s why they were both there at the same place at the same time. It was only because of the host that Bhai made that gesture. There is nothing more to it," the source said.

Sohail Khan, who was also present at politician Baba Siddiqui`s Iftaar party, where both the Khans hugged each other, said, ‘They just greeted each other. There is nothing more to it."

Zee Media Bureau

Shah Rukh Khan puts differences with Salman Khan to rest?

Mumbai: The guests, who had turned up to join Congress leader Baba Siddiqui in his Iftar celebrations, were in for a pleasant surprise. Salman Khan was spotted hugging his arch rival Shah Rukh Khan.

The two superstars looked elated as they posed for the paparazzi along with host and dost Baba Siddiqui.

An otherwise flamboyant Shah Rukh Khan took to Twitter to share his profound thoughts last night. Though he didn’t really mention anyone’s name in the tweet or any specific episode as such, one may possibly assume that it could have been an effect of Salman’s warm embrace.

Shah Rukh tweeted, “Finally u realize turning the page is the best feeling in the world, becos there is so much more to the book than the page u were stuck on (sic).”

Now that’s speaks volumes isn’t it?

Zee Media Bureau

Salman-Shah Rukh reunion: Tickle your funny bone with these Tweets!

New Delhi: Now that sworn enemies Shah Rukh Khan and Salman Khan have put their differences behind and made peace at Baba Siddique’s Iftar party, everyone in the Twitterverse has something or the other to say on this age-old issue of rivalry between the two superstars.
Trending highly on the Twitter popularity charts, we have picked up the most hilarious tweets by the Twitterati. Read on the jokes here:

SRK and Salman Khan reunited today. The biggest problem of the country is solved now. The smaller ones remaining.

BREAKING NEWS... SRK and Salman hv hugged each other. GDP is up, Rs. has recovered, China has gone back , and no one is hungry!!!!

Baba Suddique for president yo!! SRK and Salman hugged :)

#SalmanHuggedSRK National Holiday declared in some parts of india after Srk and Salman hugged each other . @BeingSalmanKhan @iamsrk

Just In: Aamir Khan says won`t act in any film which climaxes with estranged friends burying hatchet and hugging each other. #SRK and Salman

Breaking News: Baba Siddique nominated for Nobel Peace Prize. #SalmanHuggedSRK

To all those firangs who don`t know what #SalmanHuggedSRK means, it`s like #SamsungHuggedApple.

Whatever you do SRK, don`t let Salman take you out on a drive. #SalmanHuggedSRK #SalmanSRKPatchUP

Salman Khan and Shah Rukh Khan hug at Iftar party!

New Delhi: It seems that Bollywood rivals Salman Khan and Shah Rukh Khan have decided to shed their rivalry and become friends once again.

The two who didn’t see eye to eye since their infamous brawl at Katrina Kaif’s birthday party, have hugged each other in an Iftaar party on Sunday evening.

SRK and Sallu were present at Taj Land Ends today to attend the Iftaar party thrown by Congress leader Baba Siddiqui.

The two initially ignored each other but later shook hands and hugged.

It seems that the two actors have decided to forget their hostility in this holy month of Ramazan.

We hope that this is a friendly hug and not just for shutterbugs!

Salman Khan’s double dhamaal on ‘Bigg Boss 7’!

New Delhi: Salman Khan fans – who have been eagerly waiting for the new season of ‘Bigg Boss’ to start – are in for a double treat this time.

According to a leading daily, the King of Bollywood blockbusters will soon be shooting for a special promo where he will be seen in a double role — one as a sophisticated SoBo guy and the other a ruffian.

If rumours are anything to go by, depending on the promo`s feedback and Salman`s consent the ‘Judwaa’ avatar may even be incorporated into the show.

“The concept of showing Salman in a double role is quite appealing. This will be his fourth season as the host and we have to attempt something new and unique,” a source said.

Unlike the previous seasons, ‘Bigg Boss 7’ is likely to be launched earlier and will hit the small screen in September instead of October.

While the host – Salman Khan – is confirmed, none of the inmates have yet been named.

‘Bigg Boss 6’ – which was won by TV actress Urvashi Dholakia – started on October 7, 2012 and the final episode was telecast on January 12, 2013.

Salman Khan at Mumbai international airport | Planet Bollywood News

Salman Khan at Mumbai international airport
Sunny Leone apparently wants tips from Bipasha Basu for 'Jism 2'
Deepika Padukone's ramp walk lessons on zoOm
Genelia D'souza's 'It's My Life' to release on 27th July
'Rowdy Rathore' team at its success party
Salman & Aamir Khan's growing fondness for each other
Shahid Kapoor & Karan Johar might collaborate for a film
Shahrukh Khan & Katrina Kaif's film is named 'Yeh Kahan Aa Gaye Hum'
Shraddha Kapoor talks about 'Aashiqui 2'
Sonu Sood gears up to play Dawood in 'Shootout At Wadala'

Monday, 3 June 2013

Salman Khan sponsors spot boy's wedding!

Dabangg superstar Salman Khan has proved once again that he is not only a superstar but also a great human being and he deserves every bit of adulation that his diehard fans shower on him.

Buzz is that Sallu bhai has helped his house help and spot-boy Mohan in arranging his wedding ceremony.

Aalman khan Passionate, Valentine's means nothing to me

Salman Khan’s 'Mental' on Republic Day weekend?

Sohail Khan's Mental, starring his superstar brother Salman Khan, is being scheduled for the Republic Day weekend release.

According to a close friend of the Khan-daan, "While Salman and Sohail were initially contemplating releasing their film mid-January, they're now planning to come out with it on January 24. Previously, they were doubtful about this date as Republic Day falls on a Sunday."

Our source further added that while discussing release dates, Sohail was asked about Salman missing from this year's Eid while returning to his lucky festive slot next year with Sajid Nadiadwala's Kick.

"Sohail smiled and remarked, 'whenever Salman bhai's film releases, it's like Eid'," recalls our informer, adding that the Khans are upbeat about Salman's string of superhits.

Salman Khan to romance Katrina again?

There is some good news coming for all the diehard fans of Salman Khan.

Buzz has it that the Dabangg superstar might shake a leg with his former ladylove Katrina Kaif in an item song.

The song will apparently feature in director Sawan Kumar Tak's untitled film, which will be a sequel to 1983 super-hit 'Souten'.

And the rumour mongers say that the veteran filmmaker has approached both Khan and Kaif for the song.

A source close to the makers say, "Souten 2' has given us some memorable tracks including 'Shayad meri shaadi ka khayal' but the sequel will have a different kind of music."

Monday, 13 May 2013

Salman Khan Best 7 Movies

1. Ek Tha Tiger - 310cr.
2. Dabangg 2 - 260cr.
3. Bodygaurd - 231cr.
4. Dabangg - 212cr.
5. Ready - 185cr.
6. Hum Aapke Hai Kaun - 114cr.
7. Partner - 105cr.

Mental 2013 | Salman Khan 2013-2014 Upcoming Movies List

Mental 2013
Salman Khan 2013-2014 Upcoming Movies List, Salman Khan 2013 Upcoming Movies List, Salman Khan Upcoming Movies List, Salman Khan Movies List

Kick Christmas 2014 Salman Khan 2013-2014 Upcoming Movies List

Kick Christmas 2014 
Salman Khan 2013-2014 Upcoming Movies List, Salman Khan 2013 Upcoming Movies List, Salman Khan Upcoming Movies List, Salman Khan Movies List

No Entry Mein Entry(2013) | Salman Khan 2013-2014 Upcoming Movies List

No Entry Mein Entry(2013)
Salman Khan 2013-2014 Upcoming Movies List, Salman Khan 2013 Upcoming Movies List, Salman Khan Upcoming Movies List, Salman Khan Movies List

Sher Khan (EID 2013) | Salman Khan 2013-2014 Upcoming Movies List

Sher Khan (EID 2013)
Salman Khan 2013-2014 Upcoming Movies List, Salman Khan 2013 Upcoming Movies List, Salman Khan Upcoming Movies List, Salman Khan Movies List

Salman Khan supported 'Ishkq In Paris' director in battle with cancer

The tales of Salman Khan’s goody-goody deeds haven’t been few, but this one is surely different. The superstar lent his support to the director Prem Soni when the latter was battling cancer.

Filmmaker Prem Soni, who has recovered from cancer of gallbladder, says his friend and Bollywood star Salman Khan stood by him during his trying times.

Prem Soni is the director of Preity Zinta's debut production venture Ishkq In Paris.

"Salman was very concerned when he got to know about my health issues. He got in touch with me and was very supportive when I was battling with cancer. Salman bhai is just a call away and his call makes a huge difference to me," said Soni.

"He must be a huge star, but he is a far better human being. However, now I am healthy and fine and thanks for all the support," he added.

After Prem Soni was diagnosed with cancer, "Ishkq In Paris", which was supposed to release in November 2012, was pushed to May 2013.

Soni has added a song with Salman Khan in the film and says he considers him as his mentor.

"Salman is beyond work for me...I look up to him. He is my mentor and the song was written keeping him in mind right from the beginning," said Soni.

Salman sends drought affected areas of the water

Salman Khan has always been known to be a man with a heart of gold. Aurangabad, Maharashtra drought hit the region in 2500 tankies (tankers smaller version) from the Well, the big-hearted super star recently reaffirmed its stand.
Khan drought hit areas in Maharashtra from this gesture to help the afflicted families interested in taking his NGO 'Being Human', has been posted. Khan tanker Mission District, Divisional Commissioner Office had been through.

Salman Khan Facebook

Welcome to Salman Khan Facebook. Salman Khan born Abdul Rashid Salim Salman Khan on 27 December 1965) is an Indian film actor, producer, television presenter, and philanthropist. The son of actor and screenwriter Salim Khan, Khan began his acting career with Biwi Ho To Aisi but it was his second film Maine Pyar Kiya in which he acted in a lead role that garnered him the Filmfare Award for Best Male Debut. Khan has starred in several commercially successful films, such as Saajan (1991), Hum Aapke Hain Koun..! (1994), Karan Arjun (1995), Judwaa (1997), Pyar Kiya To Darna Kya (1998), Biwi No.1 (1999), and Hum Saath Saath Hain (1999), having appeared in the highest grossing film nine separate years during his career, a record that remains unbroken